By using the Green Exhaust it is possible to reach and even surpass the EU goal of limiting pollutant emmisions of internal combustion engine powered cars for the year 2030
By using the Green Exhaust the goal to produce more cleanly operating vehicles and reduce the emmisions of already manufactured vehicles by 10% can be fulfilled.
Currently there are no products or processes that show similar results - the usage of green exhaust can present a real competitive advantage and increase market potential. Green Exhaust has to be produced and fine tuned for every engine separately to further decrease emmisions and increase efficiency.
Implementation of Green Exhaust alligns with interests of not only the public and political leaders but also of automtive and oil industry - its mass implementation in not only new but also already manufactured vehicles would significantly prolong the life of petrol and diesel powered cars by making them more enviromentally friendly. The current goal of decreasing pollution produced by traffic by mass marketing of electric vehicles is not fullfilable - current electrical grids are not designed to power electric EV chargers.